Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You've peaked in college, sorry.

So here I am, in the TECH center (again), trying to get my paper on the Death Penalty finished. After the 3rd sign-in to facebook and a handful of mini-feeds later-I notice a girl I think I've talked to once in my life. Something I don't understand either, what is up with people friend'ing people you either, haven't talked to in 5 years OR talked to maybe once in your life. I will never understand society's thinking of, "I need more friends to make me look like I'm popular", that just seems depressing. However, I digress. So, I click on this girl's profile and I go to the about me. Under it, it says: "I'm not like most girl." In my personal opinion, if you have to say you're not something... it's usually true. For example, "I'm not racist...", or "I'm not arrogant...", I was like okay, so I move to her groups, which consist of, "Jersey Shore, bitches", "Hot brunette lovers", and my favorite, "We are not catty, we're just better than you" Okay, I'm not like most girls, you win.

Now, my next encounter with this topic, came about differently. Now I'm an advocate of the "live simply, so others may simply live" mentality. I'm not impressed by fancy cars or six-figure-jobs. I will, in all honesty, respect you more if know who Charles Bukowski was and if you can actually name all the Beatles. I think this is why I was so irked with this one. I was recently in California and while walking to the Electric Wine Bar (which I highly recommended for anyone who loves, well wine, and jazz), and as I look over to a waiting car at a stop light, I notice his license plate says, 'slbrty1'. Really?? If you have to TELL people you are a celebrity, you probably aren't one. I looked into the car and there sat a a guy in his thirties. A guy that peaked in college. No, sir... you're not a celebrity, you're an asshole who wants to be a one.

So there it is.... Girls will be girls and most men won't realize they have peaked in college, until it's too late. Now, back to the Death Penalty.

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