Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Procrastinating: Coffee, Yoko Ono, Anglophile, and Crackers

So here I am; sitting in Rittenhouse Square. Trying to get my 4 papers, 1 critique, and not to mention, studying for a dreadful 8am Journalism and Law mid-term.... all due by Friday. I've become quite good at procrastinating, and these past 3 days I've realized I'm not just good, I'm awesome at it. Below are a few great ways to distract yourself, too...

1. Sunday I declared my favorite coffeehouse, Anthony's Italian Coffee House. A little joint, smack-dab in the middle of the Italian Market. I’ve always liked it, but as I sat there trying to write a paper on death rituals, the smell of cannolis and fresh-brewed, spiced coffee, and all around old-world-feel, did actually help me to work a little harder.

2. I have this weird fascination with Google'ing John Lennon and Yoko Ono. For some reason(or maybe, for a deep, subconscious reason), I feel oddly connected to them and their relationship. I thoroughly enjoy spending hours browsing through old photos of the troubled, yet beautiful couple. For all you Yoko-haters, I don't care. What they had was true love, something that is so rare to see these days. They were each others muses and each others teachers, all they needed were each other. Maybe it’s because I secretly want to be an artist who has a passionate relationship with a peace-loving, yet hyper-talented hippy musician. Or, maybe it’s because at times like this, I just want to stay in bed all day in protest (of course, of war. But mostly paper-writing).

3. I rented 'Death at a Funeral'. Going back to #2, I'm sort of a anglophile. British movies are always better, their humor is dry, witty, and a little inappropriate. To me there is nothing funnier than someone accidentally taking LSD, attending a funeral,finding out your dad was having an affair with a gay midget, and ending up naked on a roof. Unfortunately, I fell asleep. Which is also an excellent way to procrastinate.

4. Lastly, I eat. I like to snack on crackers with butter and jelly. This really doesn't sound very appetizing, but it's easy and fast. However, what really catches you in the procrastination aspect, I would never dare eat jelly by my laptop, so I have to walk away. Convenient? I think so.

5. Writing this blog.

Damn you, senioritis. Well, not really. I guess, if it wasn’t for procrastination, I’d have no real excuse for doing any of these things.

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