This summer is all about finding the beauty in simplicity. You’d think that by graduating and living in one of the craziest cities in the United States simplicity is the last thing I would find, but I have. Strangers have become friends, friends have become family and because of this, I fall asleep smiling. Positivity is a constant, whether it’s strolling through the city streets with my iPod, sharing Chinese food watching the Golden Girls, or passing a bottle of chardonnay at sunrise. I don’t know where life will take me, I want to stay in this safe little haven longer than reality will allow.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Can’t you hear this beauty in life?
This summer is all about finding the beauty in simplicity. You’d think that by graduating and living in one of the craziest cities in the United States simplicity is the last thing I would find, but I have. Strangers have become friends, friends have become family and because of this, I fall asleep smiling. Positivity is a constant, whether it’s strolling through the city streets with my iPod, sharing Chinese food watching the Golden Girls, or passing a bottle of chardonnay at sunrise. I don’t know where life will take me, I want to stay in this safe little haven longer than reality will allow.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Ballad of John and Yoko
"But I can be alone without Yoko, but I just have no wish to be. There’s no reason on earth why I should be alone without Yoko. There’s nothing more important than our relationship, nothing. And we dig being together all the time. Both of us could… survive apart but what for? I’m not going to sacrifice love, real love for any whore or any friend or any business, because in the end you’re alone at night and neither of us want to be. And you can’t fill a bed with groupies. It doesn’t work. I don’t want to be a swinger. I’ve been through it all and nothing works better than to have someone you love hold you."
--John Lennon
--John Lennon
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
You've peaked in college, sorry.
So here I am, in the TECH center (again), trying to get my paper on the Death Penalty finished. After the 3rd sign-in to facebook and a handful of mini-feeds later-I notice a girl I think I've talked to once in my life. Something I don't understand either, what is up with people friend'ing people you either, haven't talked to in 5 years OR talked to maybe once in your life. I will never understand society's thinking of, "I need more friends to make me look like I'm popular", that just seems depressing. However, I digress. So, I click on this girl's profile and I go to the about me. Under it, it says: "I'm not like most girl." In my personal opinion, if you have to say you're not something... it's usually true. For example, "I'm not racist...", or "I'm not arrogant...", I was like okay, so I move to her groups, which consist of, "Jersey Shore, bitches", "Hot brunette lovers", and my favorite, "We are not catty, we're just better than you" Okay, I'm not like most girls, you win.
Now, my next encounter with this topic, came about differently. Now I'm an advocate of the "live simply, so others may simply live" mentality. I'm not impressed by fancy cars or six-figure-jobs. I will, in all honesty, respect you more if know who Charles Bukowski was and if you can actually name all the Beatles. I think this is why I was so irked with this one. I was recently in California and while walking to the Electric Wine Bar (which I highly recommended for anyone who loves, well wine, and jazz), and as I look over to a waiting car at a stop light, I notice his license plate says, 'slbrty1'. Really?? If you have to TELL people you are a celebrity, you probably aren't one. I looked into the car and there sat a a guy in his thirties. A guy that peaked in college. No, sir... you're not a celebrity, you're an asshole who wants to be a one.
So there it is.... Girls will be girls and most men won't realize they have peaked in college, until it's too late. Now, back to the Death Penalty.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Even unconsciously, we are hating single boys....
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Gather round people, wherever you roam...
I'm thankful for the changing of the seasons, most importantly, winter to spring. I live for the moment it becomes seasonally appropriate to put on my flip-flops, and buying my 1st ICED-coffee still gives me a kid-like happiness. I whole-heartedly embrace the celebratory attributes of this time of year, whether it's laying in the grass in-between classes or eating dinner outside. I am the first to get warm and fuzzy at the family playing catch in Rittenhouse park, and snap pictures of the skaters in the Love Park.
That being said, I'm writing this one of the coldest days we've had in March. However, instead of sulking, I've decided to write a few things I'm thankful for. So, I put on my favorite Bob Dylan record and curled up on on my futon and came up with these....
Two-oh-six (the blog, not the apartment): Okay, so it’s an entirely self-centered venture and its success (well, success in the blogging world, hit mark is already up to 334!!!) relies solely on the idea that you, as a reader, care about what I, as a writer and maybe even as an actual person, have to say. I've so far made it difficult for you, I admit. My tag cloud emphasizes my obsession with drinking. John and Yoko are also in an abnormally large pictures (don't you worry, I promise you, this will not stop at one blog) I want you to agree with me, or at least sympathize with my trivial problems. And you do. Thank you.
Family: I could talk up my family for hours if you needed me to. I probably do talk about them too much. Unconditional love at its finest, even my sister’s OCD behaviors roll right off my back now that visits home rarely break the 48-hour mark. My dad, the gentle giant. For some reason, picking out Birthday cards, Father Day cards, etc, etc. become some sort of science project searching for the "perfect one" (this weird phenomenon started 2 years ago), I slave trying to find the best card, the one that relates perfectly for him. Subconsciously, I do this because there is not one person whom has ever wanted me to be "happy" and "safe" more than him, and for some reason, I'm trying to always make him know I appreciate it. My mom, thank God I have her. She will forever be my Best Friend and protector. When I have a family, I do not wish for money or nice things, if I am anything like these 3 (very different) people, I will have truly succeeded in life. I associate them with comfort, and a support system I don’t have to worry about, and for that I will always be thankful, whether I’m in the room with them or not.
Distant Friends: I went for coffee yesterday with a girl I spent being best friends with in fifth grade. That’s it. One grade. 180 measly days of Crazy Dippers and Thumbs Up Seven Up during our shared lunch hour. But we’ve kept in touch and although I can tell you her boyfriend's names, the names of her roommates, and her plans for the future, I have not met any of them and wouldn’t have a clue what classes she’s taking this semester. We do not know any of the same people, and there’s comfort in the anonymity your thoughts display as you suddenly pour out your soul to helpless acquaintances. I remain closest to some of my friends from high school for this very reason—and am thankful to have at least one “diary that talks back” and a few others who have always been willing to listen.
My cat and boyfriend and their mutual love for one another: I know. I’ve regressed fifteen years in age, but I just had to put this in here because they looked so goddamn cute cuddling earlier this morning and I’m so thankful that they do not mind the constant close-up photography and subsequent kisses. This relationship has always been a work in progress, but I think, it's finally solid.
Yoga: I honestly can't think of a better way to ease a chattering mind than yoga. How can you not be happy while in Warrior 2 pose,as Ingrid Michaelson repeats in your speakers, in almost a mantra, "all we can do is keep breathing, all we can do is keep breathing...", all while the city skyline is the only thing in your view.
Warmth: Warm clothes, warm cookies, warm personalities, warm conversations, warm beverages, warm apartments. If there’s anything that provokes coziness and contentment, this is it. I’m thankful that, on a day like today (45 degree weather), each one of these has made an appearance. And I hope the same for you.
Having a major that, despite lacking any future employment opportunities or economic stability, allows me to call reading fashion magazines, blogging, and using facebook as "research" : Sometimes I worry that I’m not a legitimate person because I worry over someone saying something negative about Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters! or Rolling Stones folding instead of things like the Flash Mobs in Philly (which I do worry about, 50 minutes a day, three days a week). I spend more time looking at pretty pictures of Jerry Garcia and Mountain Girl than I do reading my “Journalism and Law” textbook. But then I remember how much I enjoy immersing myself in a culture a absolutely connect and feel home with, and that, in theory at least, it will eventually lead to a job where someone will pay me to write about the 60s culture. Thankfully.
Two-oh-six (the apartment, not the blog): Because we still don’t hate each other (I think). For once in my life, I feel content with the social group I have. I honestly think these brilliant, loving group of people, came into my life... just when I needed them. We have grown to know each other’s quirks—both the cute and the obnoxious. I'm the 1st to admit, I'm not the easiest to handle. I'm a little eccentric and full of emotion... I'm unpredictable. However,we've grown accustom to the different personalities we represent and the ways we confront problems. I have faith that this type of bond isn’t the type that ends when the tassels turn, or the diplomas are mailed out. And I’m so thankful, really guys, to always know you’re there.
Okay, I had to....
That being said, I'm writing this one of the coldest days we've had in March. However, instead of sulking, I've decided to write a few things I'm thankful for. So, I put on my favorite Bob Dylan record and curled up on on my futon and came up with these....
Two-oh-six (the blog, not the apartment): Okay, so it’s an entirely self-centered venture and its success (well, success in the blogging world, hit mark is already up to 334!!!) relies solely on the idea that you, as a reader, care about what I, as a writer and maybe even as an actual person, have to say. I've so far made it difficult for you, I admit. My tag cloud emphasizes my obsession with drinking. John and Yoko are also in an abnormally large pictures (don't you worry, I promise you, this will not stop at one blog) I want you to agree with me, or at least sympathize with my trivial problems. And you do. Thank you.
Family: I could talk up my family for hours if you needed me to. I probably do talk about them too much. Unconditional love at its finest, even my sister’s OCD behaviors roll right off my back now that visits home rarely break the 48-hour mark. My dad, the gentle giant. For some reason, picking out Birthday cards, Father Day cards, etc, etc. become some sort of science project searching for the "perfect one" (this weird phenomenon started 2 years ago), I slave trying to find the best card, the one that relates perfectly for him. Subconsciously, I do this because there is not one person whom has ever wanted me to be "happy" and "safe" more than him, and for some reason, I'm trying to always make him know I appreciate it. My mom, thank God I have her. She will forever be my Best Friend and protector. When I have a family, I do not wish for money or nice things, if I am anything like these 3 (very different) people, I will have truly succeeded in life. I associate them with comfort, and a support system I don’t have to worry about, and for that I will always be thankful, whether I’m in the room with them or not.
Distant Friends: I went for coffee yesterday with a girl I spent being best friends with in fifth grade. That’s it. One grade. 180 measly days of Crazy Dippers and Thumbs Up Seven Up during our shared lunch hour. But we’ve kept in touch and although I can tell you her boyfriend's names, the names of her roommates, and her plans for the future, I have not met any of them and wouldn’t have a clue what classes she’s taking this semester. We do not know any of the same people, and there’s comfort in the anonymity your thoughts display as you suddenly pour out your soul to helpless acquaintances. I remain closest to some of my friends from high school for this very reason—and am thankful to have at least one “diary that talks back” and a few others who have always been willing to listen.
My cat and boyfriend and their mutual love for one another: I know. I’ve regressed fifteen years in age, but I just had to put this in here because they looked so goddamn cute cuddling earlier this morning and I’m so thankful that they do not mind the constant close-up photography and subsequent kisses. This relationship has always been a work in progress, but I think, it's finally solid.
Yoga: I honestly can't think of a better way to ease a chattering mind than yoga. How can you not be happy while in Warrior 2 pose,as Ingrid Michaelson repeats in your speakers, in almost a mantra, "all we can do is keep breathing, all we can do is keep breathing...", all while the city skyline is the only thing in your view.
Warmth: Warm clothes, warm cookies, warm personalities, warm conversations, warm beverages, warm apartments. If there’s anything that provokes coziness and contentment, this is it. I’m thankful that, on a day like today (45 degree weather), each one of these has made an appearance. And I hope the same for you.
Having a major that, despite lacking any future employment opportunities or economic stability, allows me to call reading fashion magazines, blogging, and using facebook as "research" : Sometimes I worry that I’m not a legitimate person because I worry over someone saying something negative about Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters! or Rolling Stones folding instead of things like the Flash Mobs in Philly (which I do worry about, 50 minutes a day, three days a week). I spend more time looking at pretty pictures of Jerry Garcia and Mountain Girl than I do reading my “Journalism and Law” textbook. But then I remember how much I enjoy immersing myself in a culture a absolutely connect and feel home with, and that, in theory at least, it will eventually lead to a job where someone will pay me to write about the 60s culture. Thankfully.
Two-oh-six (the apartment, not the blog): Because we still don’t hate each other (I think). For once in my life, I feel content with the social group I have. I honestly think these brilliant, loving group of people, came into my life... just when I needed them. We have grown to know each other’s quirks—both the cute and the obnoxious. I'm the 1st to admit, I'm not the easiest to handle. I'm a little eccentric and full of emotion... I'm unpredictable. However,we've grown accustom to the different personalities we represent and the ways we confront problems. I have faith that this type of bond isn’t the type that ends when the tassels turn, or the diplomas are mailed out. And I’m so thankful, really guys, to always know you’re there.
Okay, I had to....
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Procrastinating: Coffee, Yoko Ono, Anglophile, and Crackers
So here I am; sitting in Rittenhouse Square. Trying to get my 4 papers, 1 critique, and not to mention, studying for a dreadful 8am Journalism and Law mid-term.... all due by Friday. I've become quite good at procrastinating, and these past 3 days I've realized I'm not just good, I'm awesome at it. Below are a few great ways to distract yourself, too...
1. Sunday I declared my favorite coffeehouse, Anthony's Italian Coffee House. A little joint, smack-dab in the middle of the Italian Market. I’ve always liked it, but as I sat there trying to write a paper on death rituals, the smell of cannolis and fresh-brewed, spiced coffee, and all around old-world-feel, did actually help me to work a little harder.
2. I have this weird fascination with Google'ing John Lennon and Yoko Ono. For some reason(or maybe, for a deep, subconscious reason), I feel oddly connected to them and their relationship. I thoroughly enjoy spending hours browsing through old photos of the troubled, yet beautiful couple. For all you Yoko-haters, I don't care. What they had was true love, something that is so rare to see these days. They were each others muses and each others teachers, all they needed were each other. Maybe it’s because I secretly want to be an artist who has a passionate relationship with a peace-loving, yet hyper-talented hippy musician. Or, maybe it’s because at times like this, I just want to stay in bed all day in protest (of course, of war. But mostly paper-writing).
3. I rented 'Death at a Funeral'. Going back to #2, I'm sort of a anglophile. British movies are always better, their humor is dry, witty, and a little inappropriate. To me there is nothing funnier than someone accidentally taking LSD, attending a funeral,finding out your dad was having an affair with a gay midget, and ending up naked on a roof. Unfortunately, I fell asleep. Which is also an excellent way to procrastinate.
4. Lastly, I eat. I like to snack on crackers with butter and jelly. This really doesn't sound very appetizing, but it's easy and fast. However, what really catches you in the procrastination aspect, I would never dare eat jelly by my laptop, so I have to walk away. Convenient? I think so.
5. Writing this blog.
Damn you, senioritis. Well, not really. I guess, if it wasn’t for procrastination, I’d have no real excuse for doing any of these things.
1. Sunday I declared my favorite coffeehouse, Anthony's Italian Coffee House. A little joint, smack-dab in the middle of the Italian Market. I’ve always liked it, but as I sat there trying to write a paper on death rituals, the smell of cannolis and fresh-brewed, spiced coffee, and all around old-world-feel, did actually help me to work a little harder.
2. I have this weird fascination with Google'ing John Lennon and Yoko Ono. For some reason(or maybe, for a deep, subconscious reason), I feel oddly connected to them and their relationship. I thoroughly enjoy spending hours browsing through old photos of the troubled, yet beautiful couple. For all you Yoko-haters, I don't care. What they had was true love, something that is so rare to see these days. They were each others muses and each others teachers, all they needed were each other. Maybe it’s because I secretly want to be an artist who has a passionate relationship with a peace-loving, yet hyper-talented hippy musician. Or, maybe it’s because at times like this, I just want to stay in bed all day in protest (of course, of war. But mostly paper-writing).
3. I rented 'Death at a Funeral'. Going back to #2, I'm sort of a anglophile. British movies are always better, their humor is dry, witty, and a little inappropriate. To me there is nothing funnier than someone accidentally taking LSD, attending a funeral,finding out your dad was having an affair with a gay midget, and ending up naked on a roof. Unfortunately, I fell asleep. Which is also an excellent way to procrastinate.
4. Lastly, I eat. I like to snack on crackers with butter and jelly. This really doesn't sound very appetizing, but it's easy and fast. However, what really catches you in the procrastination aspect, I would never dare eat jelly by my laptop, so I have to walk away. Convenient? I think so.
5. Writing this blog.
Damn you, senioritis. Well, not really. I guess, if it wasn’t for procrastination, I’d have no real excuse for doing any of these things.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
When God closes a door, he opens a dress.
Here’s the deal: I’m obsessed with 'Mad Men'....
However, it has come to my attention, that ‘Mad Men,’ is really, a “mans show.” For those of you that have never watched it before, it's a series on AMC telling the lives of a group of people who work at a NYC advertising company, set in the 1960s. In this particular series... affairs, smoking, drinking, and really just "boys being boys" attitude are the main themes. It is understandable how I would be rather repelled by the show’s stereotypical portrayal of women (most of them are secretaries, mistresses, or housewives who constantly get cheated on.)
But, most circumstance, I have often found myself praising and congratulating the main character Don Draper on his new affairs, ONLY disapproving of his MISTRESSES when I find them not worthy of becoming a notch on Mr. Draper’s bedpost.
However, one mistress I do approve of is Rachel Menken....
She is flawless, oozes elegance and grace, surprisingly independent, and the only women who Don truly confides in (well, at least, the closest he’s ever gotten to actually admitting that he has an entirely flawed emotional self somewhere among that cool exterior).
And because of this last reason, she has become my idol. Obviously, I admire women who can crack the charming, witty facade of an emotionally isolated existentialist. Because she’s on a TV show and not living in real life, Rachel is the very ultimate of everything I could ever want with my life. I also would have spent a day and a half in bed with a tousled, beautiful man with too many problems and a wife to go along with it, because as long as he said, “You’re the only one who knows me” at the end of it, I’d feel satisfied.
This might make me a masochist, but regardless of whatever the answer is, I just know that Rachel is completely identifiable, and that her outfits are almost as great as Audrey Hepburn in this same time period.
So instead hating the shows constant drinking, affairs, smoking, and sexual innuendos, I'm apparently a chauvinistic female pig....
All I really know is that drinking straight scotch or whiskey is now a spring goal of mine, and that I will still continually look up to Don’s extraordinary ability in the bedroom more than I'll ever admire his wife's cooking skills.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
PS.... No, I do not soberly miss you.
So, as usual, I'm eavesdropping on the conversation next to me on the subway. Riding the 'orange line' everyday has fully made me aware of just how lazy I've become. Pulling my iPod out has become a task. To keep myself amused, I listen to other peoples conversations. Now, these two girls are talking about their failed New Years Resolutions. I've never big on these so-called "resolutions", but their conversation sparked some interest in me. Just what would be mine? For me... what would really improve my life? I've taken 5 things, that have actually affected my life in some way and I've come up with: Sarah's 5 Resolutions for a Better, Happier, More Efficient Life in 2011:
1) Stop sending such grammatically accurate text messages while intoxicated.
For the singular reason that the person getting these messages then doesn’t actually know that the correspondence was one of nostalgia, and/or tendencies brought on entirely by my 3 good friends.... Goose (when I’m lucky), Ketel One (my party acquaintance, really) and Jacquin (yes, that oh so cheap and excellence in a handle, who usually hangs out with me most nights in the form of a vodka-cranberry).
Anyways, what I'm really trying to say is this: No, I do not soberly miss you.
What’s really going on is that I am fucking wasted, to be blunt, or clearly on my way to getting there, and still have your number (fine, technically that’s my fault).
I’m sorry, I really am, which is why this is probably the number one priority to fix in 2011.
2) Stop mentally correcting grammar mistakes on my facebook mini-feeds.
One of my good friends is a film major, he always says it's ruining his porn watching. He says he can't help trying to fix the horrible editing in the scenes. I feel the same way about Journalism and facebook. This resolution also seems pretty obvious, although I have to admit this might be the toughest one to follow for me. Some people’s hardest resolution will be exercising, mine will be trying to get over the fact that some college graduates still, more often than not, don't know the difference between, 'their', 'there', and 'they're'.
3) Never run out Luna di Luna.... in pinot grigio form, that is.
This is pretty self-explanatory, obviously, but is there a worse feeling then attending class all day, dealing with the citizens of Philadelphia on the subway and/or street, slow walkers, small dogs under your feet, the smell by City Hall, trying to get pizza and having a bum try to steal it, your boss that thinks your name is Sally, your iPod dying when you still have a 6 block walk, no lighter, your best friend is drunk by 4pm, you're counting dimes in the 7-11, apartment electrical fires, elevators down and having to walk up 17 flights, arriving home rather tired, mentally worn down, and physically strained,(city life is tough), only to find that your one glimmer of hope that had kept your mind sound all day, the reward for keeping up all of those appearances cannot be made because there’s not even enough pinot left to even rinse your mouth out with.....
For those that don’t believe in drinking during the weekday, not only am I, primarily, taking pity on your dull, lackluster life, I think you will regret this decions when you're 40 yrs old with a couple kids, and a shitty job. Just sayin'....
4)Beat my Boyfriend in Scrabble
This is actually pretty important to me... I'm slightly competitive, with age, I'm realizing more and more some situations are out of my control. So, I guess you could say I'm getting better at losing..... Except in Scrabble. These leads me to my next resoultion....
My boyfriend and I are patio-dwelling, back-porch-sitting, turn-off-our-cell-phones, cut ourselves off from everything, kind of couple. We don't do double dates and everything we do is pretty much one-on-one, our idea of a fun weekend would be hiking the Grand Canyon.... in other words, we're pretty anti-social. So most of our time spent together is sitting on his back patio, either reading or playing some sort of game. The most recent game has been Scrabble... and I lose every freaking time. I'll come up with words like, 'bookcase', 'megaphone', 'cat'. On the other side of the board we have words like, 'callipygian', 'sesquipedalian', and his new favorite from last week, 'harlequin'. I swear he cheats, and I'm really not sure how. So, I promise you, next year I'll have the leading rank in Scrabble, and if not, damn it to Hell, more Chess.
5) Stop singing 80s music at the bar
I don't know about you and your friends, but mine, when we go out, we are there for one purpose, and one purpose only: spend the least amount of money while getting the drunkest we possibly can get. We're usually so good at this, that I'm not afraid to admit some of the extreme measures we have gone to achieve this goal. Like, smuggling in a handle of cheap tequila (Jacquin's, of course), then buying the cheapest beer at the bar(which always works out to be in a can) and pour tequila shots in the empty can for your pleasure all night. Or, sitting at the bar, right in front of the beer tap, and when the bartender looks away... filling yourself up with some liquid goodness. (Trust me, it is, in fact, always sunny in Philadelphia) And of course, something we've all done, and probably the easiest.... guys will buy girls drinks. Free booze will always, I repeat, always, taste better.
Now as we have always been taught... actions always have consequences. These actions have no exception... by this time of free booze, I'm a mess. Practicing my "sexy" face in the bathroom, quoting 'Sunny' to random strangers who come into the bathroom, or singing Sublime.... and now here comes the killer. As you're going over your love letter to Chase Utley in the bathroom mirror, and you hear it. First you're not sure, it's a little muffled by toilets flushing and crying girls, but just enough to hear the faint, "Bump- Bump, bump, bump!!" You're off, half-way up the stairs, punching left and rights, while knocking the girl down the stairs. Now, you get to your friend, and almost in unison: "It's the eye-of-the-tiger, it's the thrill of the fight!", Screaming, doing your best Rocky impression to the guy who was buying me drinks all nights, and probably now questioning such actions. (I now, after the heavy drinking, resemble Tommy Gunn)
But, to my surprise, the bar does a total 180 on your ass, "Shot through the heart, and you're too late!!!!" This will be the death of me. Here I am. Drunk and pissed off. Thinking of all the people who have fucked me over in the past. I'm drunk, pissed off-- in a non-smoking atmosphere. I say 'fuck it...', light-up to the rhythm of the chorus. Not only have I managed to clean out everyone near us, (which I've been told by my somewhat, "loud, sloppy singing"). The guy next to me is gone as well, realizing the odds of me trying to fight him are greater than him "getting lucky". The bouncer comes over and yells at me for smoking. I, being the drunk I am, argues, telling him, "I'm sick of people treating me like shit..... You give love a bad name!!" I continue my rant and smoking....and soon, thrown out. But for some reason, I can't help but feel victorious as a stumble out of the bar, cigarette still in hand, clapping to the ending of the last chorus of, 'Shot Through the Heart'.
80s music is ruining my social life. I hope to change this in 2011
I can’t say I have wishes of eating better, of exercising more, of losing those goddamn 10 little pounds, of networking within my field in hopes of a job, of being less competitive, of trying to reduce my carbon footprint, of making less caustic comments,etc. etc. etc...., but would you expect all that kind of nonsense from me? I think not.
1) Stop sending such grammatically accurate text messages while intoxicated.
For the singular reason that the person getting these messages then doesn’t actually know that the correspondence was one of nostalgia, and/or tendencies brought on entirely by my 3 good friends.... Goose (when I’m lucky), Ketel One (my party acquaintance, really) and Jacquin (yes, that oh so cheap and excellence in a handle, who usually hangs out with me most nights in the form of a vodka-cranberry).
Anyways, what I'm really trying to say is this: No, I do not soberly miss you.
What’s really going on is that I am fucking wasted, to be blunt, or clearly on my way to getting there, and still have your number (fine, technically that’s my fault).
I’m sorry, I really am, which is why this is probably the number one priority to fix in 2011.
2) Stop mentally correcting grammar mistakes on my facebook mini-feeds.
One of my good friends is a film major, he always says it's ruining his porn watching. He says he can't help trying to fix the horrible editing in the scenes. I feel the same way about Journalism and facebook. This resolution also seems pretty obvious, although I have to admit this might be the toughest one to follow for me. Some people’s hardest resolution will be exercising, mine will be trying to get over the fact that some college graduates still, more often than not, don't know the difference between, 'their', 'there', and 'they're'.
3) Never run out Luna di Luna.... in pinot grigio form, that is.
This is pretty self-explanatory, obviously, but is there a worse feeling then attending class all day, dealing with the citizens of Philadelphia on the subway and/or street, slow walkers, small dogs under your feet, the smell by City Hall, trying to get pizza and having a bum try to steal it, your boss that thinks your name is Sally, your iPod dying when you still have a 6 block walk, no lighter, your best friend is drunk by 4pm, you're counting dimes in the 7-11, apartment electrical fires, elevators down and having to walk up 17 flights, arriving home rather tired, mentally worn down, and physically strained,(city life is tough), only to find that your one glimmer of hope that had kept your mind sound all day, the reward for keeping up all of those appearances cannot be made because there’s not even enough pinot left to even rinse your mouth out with.....
For those that don’t believe in drinking during the weekday, not only am I, primarily, taking pity on your dull, lackluster life, I think you will regret this decions when you're 40 yrs old with a couple kids, and a shitty job. Just sayin'....
4)Beat my Boyfriend in Scrabble
This is actually pretty important to me... I'm slightly competitive, with age, I'm realizing more and more some situations are out of my control. So, I guess you could say I'm getting better at losing..... Except in Scrabble. These leads me to my next resoultion....
My boyfriend and I are patio-dwelling, back-porch-sitting, turn-off-our-cell-phones, cut ourselves off from everything, kind of couple. We don't do double dates and everything we do is pretty much one-on-one, our idea of a fun weekend would be hiking the Grand Canyon.... in other words, we're pretty anti-social. So most of our time spent together is sitting on his back patio, either reading or playing some sort of game. The most recent game has been Scrabble... and I lose every freaking time. I'll come up with words like, 'bookcase', 'megaphone', 'cat'. On the other side of the board we have words like, 'callipygian', 'sesquipedalian', and his new favorite from last week, 'harlequin'. I swear he cheats, and I'm really not sure how. So, I promise you, next year I'll have the leading rank in Scrabble, and if not, damn it to Hell, more Chess.
5) Stop singing 80s music at the bar
I don't know about you and your friends, but mine, when we go out, we are there for one purpose, and one purpose only: spend the least amount of money while getting the drunkest we possibly can get. We're usually so good at this, that I'm not afraid to admit some of the extreme measures we have gone to achieve this goal. Like, smuggling in a handle of cheap tequila (Jacquin's, of course), then buying the cheapest beer at the bar(which always works out to be in a can) and pour tequila shots in the empty can for your pleasure all night. Or, sitting at the bar, right in front of the beer tap, and when the bartender looks away... filling yourself up with some liquid goodness. (Trust me, it is, in fact, always sunny in Philadelphia) And of course, something we've all done, and probably the easiest.... guys will buy girls drinks. Free booze will always, I repeat, always, taste better.
Now as we have always been taught... actions always have consequences. These actions have no exception... by this time of free booze, I'm a mess. Practicing my "sexy" face in the bathroom, quoting 'Sunny' to random strangers who come into the bathroom, or singing Sublime.... and now here comes the killer. As you're going over your love letter to Chase Utley in the bathroom mirror, and you hear it. First you're not sure, it's a little muffled by toilets flushing and crying girls, but just enough to hear the faint, "Bump- Bump, bump, bump!!" You're off, half-way up the stairs, punching left and rights, while knocking the girl down the stairs. Now, you get to your friend, and almost in unison: "It's the eye-of-the-tiger, it's the thrill of the fight!", Screaming, doing your best Rocky impression to the guy who was buying me drinks all nights, and probably now questioning such actions. (I now, after the heavy drinking, resemble Tommy Gunn)
But, to my surprise, the bar does a total 180 on your ass, "Shot through the heart, and you're too late!!!!" This will be the death of me. Here I am. Drunk and pissed off. Thinking of all the people who have fucked me over in the past. I'm drunk, pissed off-- in a non-smoking atmosphere. I say 'fuck it...', light-up to the rhythm of the chorus. Not only have I managed to clean out everyone near us, (which I've been told by my somewhat, "loud, sloppy singing"). The guy next to me is gone as well, realizing the odds of me trying to fight him are greater than him "getting lucky". The bouncer comes over and yells at me for smoking. I, being the drunk I am, argues, telling him, "I'm sick of people treating me like shit..... You give love a bad name!!" I continue my rant and smoking....and soon, thrown out. But for some reason, I can't help but feel victorious as a stumble out of the bar, cigarette still in hand, clapping to the ending of the last chorus of, 'Shot Through the Heart'.
80s music is ruining my social life. I hope to change this in 2011
I can’t say I have wishes of eating better, of exercising more, of losing those goddamn 10 little pounds, of networking within my field in hopes of a job, of being less competitive, of trying to reduce my carbon footprint, of making less caustic comments,etc. etc. etc...., but would you expect all that kind of nonsense from me? I think not.
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